Beware of Fraudulent Job Offers and Fake Job Commitments | DigiCloud

USA Job Vacancies

Beware of Fraudulent Job Offers

Beware of Fraudulent Job Offers

Digicloud LLC, its subsidiaries will NEVER requests for fees for any purpose during or after the hiring process. we will never request money for the opportunity to apply or work.

It is against our code of conduct and business values to do so.

Our team does not request or require personal documents like bank account details, tax forms or credit card information as part of the recruitment process.

If you receive a message from someone impersonating a DigiCloud LLC on any social media platforms or through emails seeking your personal information including bank account details, passwords, or other sensitive information with the promise of a job opportunity, please don’t respond.

We also recommend that you do not disclose personal or financial details to anyone you do not know.

Scammers try to cast a wide net by including little or no specific information. Always be wary of emails which seem overly generic.

Please note that we are NOT WORKING with any individuals, consultants or agencies for outsourcing job requirements.

If you are contacted by someone whom you suspect may not be appropriately representing Digicloud, please reach us at [email protected] or +1 (917)-679-6234 and forward the original email that you received that includes the original subject line and complete information.